Recent studies show that we only spend about 5% of our day outdoors.

When you’re ready to enjoy a full day on the lake and look into lake boat rentals, you want to be sure you can make the most of it.

Be sure you’re fully prepared so that you, your friends, and your family members will have the perfect day.

Read on to learn about the 5 essentials you simply can’t do without when you’re ready to spend a day on the water.

  1. Sunscreen and a Hat

So many people get caught up in all the excitement of a trip to the lake that they forget all about sun protection.

Believe it or not, it only takes a few minutes of sun exposure to get burned. Even if you’re boating during the afternoon or on a cloudy day, you can still get burned.

Don’t spend the rest of your vacation with red, peeling skin that will leave you feeling miserable. Instead, bring along some sunscreen and a hat (preferably a visor, which won’t fly off your head!).

  1. Your Favorite Boat Accessories

When you rent a boat, chances are you won’t be able to resist taking the opportunity to go water skiing or tubing.

This is a wonderful way to make lasting memories with your family or have an amazing time with your friends.

Be sure you’ve picked up the accessories you’ll need to make it happen.

  1. Delicious Snacks

Of course, all that swimming and water-skiing is going to make you hungry.

However, certain foods are better to eat on boats than others. You don’t want anyone getting seasick, and you don’t want to make a mess.

Translation: leave the chips and salsa at home.

Instead, prepare sandwiches the morning of, and don’t forget to bring sweet treats.

Also, it’s easy to get dehydrated when you’re out on the water all day. Throw a few bottles of water into your cooler, and freeze a few to help you cool down.

  1. Life Jackets

It’s highly unlikely that anything will go wrong on your boat trip. However, if an accident happens, it’s important that you’re prepared.

Especially if you have passengers that don’t know how to swim or are under the age of 18 onboard, you need to ensure you have life jackets.

If children or young adults are self-conscious about wearing life jackets, ask the adults in your party to wear them as well.

  1. Blankets

No matter how much warmth and sunshine the day’s forecast calls for, it can sometimes get chilly on the lake!

Plus, the faster you go, the more you’ll feel the wind whipping around you. While this is great for re-creating your own “I’m the king of the world!” photo, it can get cold when you’re just riding in the boat.

To keep yourself and your passengers comfy and cozy, be sure to throw in a few fuzzy blankets.

Learn More About Lake Boat Rentals

Now you know what you need to pack to ensure you have the perfect day on the water.

The next step?

Looking into lake boat rentals.

That’s where we come in. Spend some time on our website to learn more about the water sports and boats you can enjoy on Lake Havasu.